Tag: racism

We Cannot Tolerate Right-Wing Extremism on Our Campus

Just as we should not stereotype Islam as the root cause of Islamic terrorism, we should not mischaracterize all right-wing ideology as the cause of all extremist terror. Instead, we should be critical of segments of any ideology that lead to extremist tendencies. As college students, we must be the most aware of what these ideologies that can manifest into.

Jess the Mess: Bigotry in the Black Community

Social media influencer, comedian and actress Jessica Moore—also known as Jess Hilarious—received backlash recently after posting a rant via her Instagram story that contained xenophobic comments. The comments were in reference to four men in turbans who the comedian felt threatened by while boarding a plane. Was she genuine in her apology or was she just trying to save her career?

Black Americans Still Have a Dream

The idea of the American Dream has been a long-touted hallmark of living in the United States. It is the idea of starting from nothing and ascending to an idyllic middle-class to upper-class lifestyle by working hard and being motivated. Black Americans, and black millennials, in particular, continue to buy into this optimistic mindset.
