Undergrad’s visual project aims to encourage today’s history makers

Nia Doaks | Managing Editor

While studying sustainable materials and technology in the College of Natural Resources an innovative student is starting a new tradition to celebrate black history month on campus.

Josh Moore, a senior, recently built a visual board that depicts various black student leaders at NC State.

The wooden, black structure has the words “Who am I? We are black history” in large letters along with the black leaders who are currently featured.

The idea started with the notion that important achievements and milestones aren’t always limited to black leaders of the past. Moore said ambitious students and leaders of today are making their own history here and now.

“I’m really into black history, our history – it’s a very rich history,” said Moore. “No offense to anyone who does black history programs. I’ve had a black history program before. I just felt like we needed something new.”

According to Moore, his inspiration for the board originally came from his childhood.

“I know everyone who went to kindergarten remembers they used to have a Start Students board,” said Moore. “When I made it on the board I was pretty happy and it made me feel pretty good – that’s where the visual part came from.”

Our campuses board is almost at eye level and is located in Talley at the end of the ramp by Talley Market.

In an Instagram post, Moore encourages students to view the board that “commemorates our fellow students who are striving to be strong, new leaders in our community”.

“Whoever is on the board, first of all, congratulations. These students were all voted on by your fellow classmates,” said Moore. “It’s cool to know these leaders have a representation. When people are going around looking for clubs to join, they may be able to gravitate towards the leaders that they see on that board.”

Along with the depiction of student leaders, the board also features a historical black figure quiz with answers visible on the reverse side of the poster.

The board will stay in Talley Student Union for the next two weeks and then will be moved to Witherspoon Student Center. After being moved to Witherspoon, a new group of  seven leaders will be displayed on the board, according to Moore.

“I’m really happy with it. I want the board to last a long time. If it doesn’t stay in Witherspoon, it will definitely be back up next February,” said Moore. “This is a tradition that I would want to continue next year.”

Moore offers his gratitude to Suzanne Pierce, who works in Talley and allowed him to display his work, Malik Simpson, a junior studying Biological Sciences, for assisting in the creation of the poster; and Ivana Mbullah, a junior studying Textile Technology, for assisting with the writing and conceptualization of the board.

Moore hopes to have a few more students to depict over the next few weeks.

“If you see yourself as a leader, please contact me. If you see yourself as a leader, I want to see you as a leader,” said Moore. “This makes leaders visible.”

To contact Josh Moore, feel free to email him here: jamoor10@ncsu.edu.


N.C. State senior Josh Moore beside the “Who am I? We are black history” poster located at the end of the ramp near Talley Market.