Month: March 2009

The Race for Student Body President: Candidates discuss diversity, campus knowledge

As the end of the spring 2009 semester draws near, students will soon cast their vote for Student Government officers. This year six candidates are running for student body president, whose role on campus includes presiding over his/her cabinet, running the day-to-day operations of Student Government including 15 distinct commissions and departments, and delegating tasks to the executive branch. Additionally, the newly elected student body president is responsible for attending meetings and forum discussions, and be active in special interest committees such as the Campus Culture Task Force committee created just after the Nov. 5, 2008 tunnel incident. Here are what the candidates had to say about their platform and campaign.

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New Student Media leaders plan for year ahead

Each year, Student Media seeks applicants for editors of the primary mediums on campus, the daily newspaper, Technician, the weekly Nubian Message, the campus literary magazine, the Windhover and the Agromeck, the yearbook. They also sought applicants for the general manager of WKNC, the campus radio station and the student business manager. Applicants must go through a vigorous process of presenting their vision and goals before staff members and an interview before the Student Media board of directors, prior to being hired. These individuals have the power to change the direction and focus of campus as the representative of their respective media outlets. In their substantive position, how do they plan to ensure the minority population on campus is accurately represented in our student media? Here’s what the new student media leaders had to say.

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Examining our on campus African-American organizations

Many students have complained about the lack of participation from African-American students within the clubs and organizations in the African-American community. Some say that the underclassmen are lazy and do not care. Others say that it is too hard to balance school work and clubs, and since school should always come first, they do not participate in clubs.
However, the issue still remains that the African-American population here at North Carolina State is higher than ever and participation in organizations is at an all time low. Perhaps the reason for this problem is social dynamics of the African-American community. It is time to take a look inside the African-American community and ask if the students are failing the clubs, or if the clubs are actually failing the students. I have interviewed three students; all are African-Americans.

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Students: Make smarter choices when traveling

Spring Break has passed and students have come back with souvenirs and elaborate tales of their adventures. As long as I have been in college there are recurring problems in the stories of my friends’ Spring Break conquests. The problems include money, too much alcohol, lack of cell phones, unreliable friends and so on.

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The Day Hillsborough Froze: Hundreds of people attend Hillsborough Street Renaissance

The weather outlook for Saturday appeared to be rainy, cold and glum for most, especially for those that happened to be driving in and out of Raleigh. However, that did not stop hundreds of people from all over the city and Wake County from preparing for and attending the “Hillsborough Street Renaissance,” a green or environment friendly arts and music festival.

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